Yesterday, I went to my 32 week check-up at my OB/GYN office. The Nurse Practitioner did all the measurements and checked the baby’s heartbeat. Everything is good. Then, she told me that it would be a good idea to go ahead and register at the hospital. I gave her a confusing expression because my OB/GYN office is in the hospital and I have been here for the past 7 months, but since my doctor/nurse is telling me to do so, it must be important, right? So, I walked to the main building and told the admission that I have to register to give birth. The person gave me several documents to go over, and an application to fill out. The documents explained when and which number to call, where to enter the hospital when I am ready to give birth, who is allowed to accompany me.. etc. The last document caught my attention. It was about “financial policy”. The paper first congratulates us for the baby, and thanks us for choosing their hospital. They hope that the time we will spend at the hospital is pleasurable and enjoyable. Then it says, “enormity of cost” for health care, and the hospital hopes to work with us and make it manageable. First of all, they will not charge extra for BILLING SERVICES. Second, all deductibles and co-payments are due one month prior to the birth date. Third, if you do not have insurance, you are expected to pay everything prior to the birth date, and that they will provide payment plans. And lastly, here is the cost of giving birth at this hospital if you do not have any insurance.
Normal Vaginal Birth (discharged within 24 hours) $12,000 – $15,000
Normal Vaginal Birth (discharged between 24 hours and 48 hours) $15,000 – $18,000
C-Section (3 days of hospital stay)
Infant Screening ($8,000 - $10,000)
I have been paying a little over $300 every month for the last 6 months at the OB/GYN office, so I asked the admission person if this cost is included in the payment plan I set up at the OB/GYN office. She said, “Oh, no. That is different. This is for the hospital”. But, my OB/GYN is in the north wing of this hospital… She said that this is solely for the time I will stay giving birth, and not for the cost of “medical care” provided by the doctor. She smiled and said to me, “but this is what it would cost if you don’t have insurance. We will run your insurance and let you know how much it will cost you, if any”.
I left the admission office dumb founded. When I arrived home, the first thing I told my husband was, “I am so disgusted by this whole thing”, and started explaining the “business of giving birth”.
So basically, in order for a woman or a family to have a baby at the hospital with prenatal care, which the government and medical professionals recommend, would cost at least $25,000, if you do not have any insurance. It would be more because I have a PPO insurance and still I have to pay $300 monthly for my deductible. This is to have normal and natural birth. Women have been giving birth all over the world, and we have been doing so for hundreds of years. Pregnancy is not an illness or disease, it is a natural thing. It is what we, human beings, do for procreation and survival of our specie. In any religion or cultural belief, procreation is one of the most important things we do. Still, in this country, it would cost almost or more than our annual earning.
When I had my first baby, I had different insurance where the monthly premium was much higher, but I did not have to pay anything when I gave birth at their hospital. No hospital cost, no infant care cost, nothing. I am sure the cost was as high as the one this time, but I just did not see it because it was set it up like that, and of course if I do not see it, I did not think it existed. I had a natural birth. Meaning that I did not have any “medical procedure”. I had a Nurse Practitioner midwife, a nurse, a doula and my husband attending the birth. No Pitocin or Epidural. And my birth was perfect and my baby was/is healthy.
Now that I am at 8 months pregnant, I am faced by this disgusting reality of the “business of giving birth” and feeling dumb founded. I remember when I went to my first prenatal appointment in October, before even seeing anyone, they sent me to their financial department. The financial advisor ran my insurance and printed out the cost of prenatal care. It was even before they told me “congratulations!”. I had to sign the payment contract to be seen by the doctor. I should have known… I should have talked to other people. I am beating myself up now because I wanted a homebirth, which would cost us about $3000, approximately the same amount of money we would pay at the hospital. But at that time, we did not know the cost of “hospital care” that just emerged (to us, anyways) yesterday, we thought it would be $1900, which is much less than $3000. So partly, for financial reasons, we decided to give birth at the hospital, but it is too late. We do not have another $3000 for homebirth and I am already 8 months pregnant.
Birthing is something we, women, naturally do. Of course, I am aware of the possible complications that requires medical attention. I am grateful for it to be available. I know a few close friends who needed that medical attention, and their children are perfect, but aside from that, I strongly believe that women KNOW HOW TO GIVE BIRTH. Birthing should not be medicalized and not be treated as business.
I just hope that our experience at the hospital in two months will be “pleasurable” and “enjoyable”.
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