I love my (our) Mondays. There is no story time at the library or farmers market to go to on Mondays. I do not have to get us ready to leave for daycare or work. When I first reduced my work days to 4 days per week, I used to take my daughter to her day care so that I could have my own time, mostly doing housework, running errands and bit of watching TV. But then I started to keep her with me at home a few months ago. While I still have to do house work and run errands, we also go to parks, play in backyard, and visit friends. Maybe I am preparing for ourselves to stay home when the new baby arrives in 2 months. The more I stay at home, the more I want to stay home after my maternity leave. I know this is a very luxurious idea/decision for many of us. Certainly for me, who went back to work only after 7 weeks of giving birth to my daughter. I needed to. We needed to because my husband was in school. This time around things are a little different and there is an opportunity to stay home with our children. Besides, in order for me to go back to work, it will cost nearly $1500 for daycare for two and gas money to go to work. But financial issue put aside, I really enjoy doing things with my daughter, including cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. She is at the age where she wants to do everything I do. And I let her most of the time, closely supervising for her safety of course. And she always surprises me for what she can do. She is into cracking eggs and folding towels now. If anyone asks her how she learnt to fold the towels so well, she would tell you, "at a folding factory"...

Monday morning breakfast... Dutch Baby Pancake
For 2 servings
2 table spoon unsealed butter
4 large eggs or 3 jumbo eggs
1/2 cup in bleached all-purpose flour
1/2 whole milk
1/4 tsp salt
For topping: maple syrup, powdered sugar, honey etc.
Cooking Instructions
Preheat oven to 425 F
Melt butter in cast-iron skillet on low heat. You can use oven safe cake on or pie plate put in the preheated oven for a few minutes to melt the butter. Do not use microwave to do this. As butter melts, make sure all the bottom and sides are coated with butter.
While butter melts, mix together eggs, flour, milk and salt until well blended. I just used a whisk but you can use electric mixer or blender. Just make sure there is no lump in the mix.
Pour the egg mixture into the warmed and buttered skillet or oven safe dish. Place it in the oven and bake for 15-20 mins. Don't get alarms when the mixture "blows up". It is ready when the center is set and the edges are golden brown.
Dress it with topping of your choice.
Happy eating!
CopiedImage.png topping: maple syrup, powdered sugar, honey etc.
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